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Speak Power BI - The Basics

Are you new to Microsoft Power BI? Are you unsure about how to use the "PBI lingo" and effectively communicate in the PBI universe? I've started a blog series covering all of this on the Withum Digital blog! 

Why is this important? How does one speak Microsoft Power BI? What do I even mean? In the world of data visualization and business intelligence software, much of the same words are used but have different meanings based on the platform you are referring to. When working with clients used to other software platforms, I keep finding confusion on both sides that can prohibit the smooth progress of a Power BI project because we are not speaking the same language.  If you are fully new to the world of data visualization and analytics, then this will help you understand what others are talking about. 

The first post in the series on how to understand the PBI lingo can be found at the link below...

How to Speak Power BI - The Basics